PiezoWave is Acoustic Compression Therapy which uses sound waves to REMODEL TISSUE AT THE CELLULAR LEVEL by addressing a large variety of conditions including, scar tissue, calcification, tendinopathy, bursitis, capsulations and so much more.
Advantages of Myofascial Acoustic Compression Therapy
The first approach with MyACT is usually the treatment of chronic diseases of the myofascial tissue. This includes chronic conditions, typically at least 3 months after injury, and often after years of unsuccessful conservative treatment. In these cases, the main goal is to return the chronic condition to a more responsive acute state, thus escaping the vicious inflammatory cycle and activating the body's self-repair mechanisms.
Treatment goals for acute injuries are primarily pain reduction, swelling reduction and containment of inflammation, and initiation of tissue healing. The use of MyACT could in principle nevertheless lead to accelerated tissue healing, accelerate tissue repair, reduce the risk of complications and possibly even prevent the development of chronicity.
MyACT potentially improves blood circulation in the capillaries, there is a release of nitric oxide (NO), an important signaling molecule for vasodilation; it leads to the reduction of tension and stiffness of the muscles and to the reduction of pain through the excessive stimulation of the nociceptors and the stimulation of the nerves. The improved metabolism, new nutrients coming in, and waste products being removed faster, help the tissue to heal faster and more efficiently. And ultimately return to the healthy, previous and resilient state it was in before the injury
PiezoWave2 – MyACT is Acoustic Compression Therapy which uses acoustic mechanical sound waves to remodel tissue at the cellular level by addressing a large variety of conditions including, scar tissue, calcification, tendinopathy, bursitis, capsulations and so much more.
MyACT is not a new concept by any means. Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy has been used to help break up kidney stones and gallstones for more than 30 years. MyACT is the latest generation of this technology to be developed through scientific advances in medical research for the safe and often pain free treatment of many musculoskeletal, fascial, and vascular conditions.
Learn More about Myofascial Acoustic Compression Therapy